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redakcja 17 stycznia 2013 Legal advice in Poland

We can offer you advice about any legal problem you may face dealing with Polish business entities or authorities. Please feel free to contact , we are available 24h/day 7days/week just for you !

Our law office provides comprehensive legal services to business entities – it focuses on commercial law, business law, civil law, copyright law and real estate law. We support our clients in building-up and expanding their businesses, and our objective is to find the best fitted legal solutions to address their specific problems. Our long experience gained in Poland and abroad, knowledge of foreign languages, rules of economy and essentials of negotiation. 

Kancelaria Prawna Mariusz Sząszor
ul. Marii Zientara-Malewskiej 5 5C/4
77-400 Złotów 
NIP: PL5040002752 ; 
REGON: 301540500 ;

Tel. +48673505369
Fax  +48673505379
Kom. +48886610270

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DOWIEDZ SIĘ WIĘCEJ NA TEMAT: pomoc prawna legal advice legal help
Ocena: 4,05
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AUTOR: Wanda Książek; Mariusz Sząszor
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